Search by Passing Area from the App
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Find trails starting or passing through specific areas of your choice
Perfect for planning your next trail to include your must-visit places.
- You can access the Search by passing area from the Explore tab > View map.
- Move around the map to position the circle over the area you want to mark.
- If you long-press a point on the map, the Search by passing area option will appear. Tap on Search for trails starting here or Search for trails passing through here to explore options near the selected point.
- If you're not close enough, zoom in or press the Zoom in to select an area button to select an area.
- You can add more passing areas by clicking on Add Passing area.
- Move around the map again to place the circle over the next area you want to mark. Tap on Search for trails passing through here. You can mark up to one starting area and four passing areas.
- To remove a passing area, click on the X at the top-right of the circle.
- Once you have marked the passing areas you want your trail to pass through, the trail cards will appear at the bottom of the screen.
- Swipe them from right to left to see the track reflected on the map.
- Click on the card to see the full trail details.