How to read QR codes with the Wikiloc App
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Once logged into your Wikiloc account, all trails and profiles in Wikiloc their own QR code accessible to you in various ways:
- On the Web's trail download page
- On the Web & App's trail sharing options
- On the Web & App's profile sharing options (You will only be able to share your profile or an ORG account profile.
- Naturally, when the QR code is printed out, whether on a poster or a flyer, any Wikiloc user can scan it.
How to open the QR code to visualize trails or profiles
Now Wikiloc makes it easier than ever!
We have integrated a QR code-scanner in the Wikiloc App for any user to open trails or profiles automatically.
We have integrated a QR code-scanner in the Wikiloc App for any user to open trails or profiles automatically.
You can access it from the search toolbar, as an option at the drop-down menu that pops up when clicking on the search toolbar.