Editing the info of a trail
Have you uploaded a trail and would like to change some details?
Log in to Wikiloc with your account.
From your profile, in the Your Trails tab, you’ll see that each route has an Edit button with a pencil icon in the bottom right corner:
Clicking this button will take you to the trail details page, where you can change:
- The name
- The description
- The activity
- The difficulty
- The privacy (public or private)
- Add photos (up to 6 pictures in the general section) or change a photo.
By clicking Continue, you’ll go to the waypoint page. Here, you can edit waypoints (using the pencil icon) or delete them (using the X).
If you click on the pencil icon (edit waypoint), you can change:
- The name
- The description
- The type of waypoint
- Add photos (up to 6 pictures per waypoint) or change a photo.
The geometry (coordinates), date, or circularity of the trails cannot be edited from the website once uploaded to Wikiloc, but there are two options:
- Adding a Waypoint to one of your trails from Wikiloc's website
- Editing the trail from a GPS file editor.
Do you prefer to do it from the app? Here's how to edit or delete a trail from the app.