Uploading pictures from the Website

Adding photos to a trail or waypoint

Once you have uploaded a trail to the Wikiloc website, you can add up to 6 photos per trail and up to 6 pictures per waypoint.

  1. Access your profile and select the Your Trails tab.
  2. Find the desired trail and click View Trail.
  3. Within the trail details page, select Edit.
  4. This will take you to the trail editing screen, where you can upload or drag and drop up to 6 photos in the general section of the trail.
  5. If you click Continue, you can edit each waypoint (using the pencil icon) and add up to 6 photos for each one.

Adding more than six photos per trail

Wikiloc has a limit of 6 photos per trail and 6 photos per waypoint included in the trail.

So, to upload more than 6 photos per trail, you will need to add waypoints to the trail.

Reordering photos

We plan to implement improvements on the website soon, including the ability to reorder photos and fix their orientation without having to reupload them if they were uploaded incorrectly.

Uploading multiple photos at once more easily

We are working to simplify the process of uploading multiple photos at once to the website and expect to implement improvements soon to make this feature more straightforward.

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