Your Trail Lists

"Your Lists" is a great way to save for later the best trails you spot on Wikiloc and keep them organized.

Add / remove trails from a list

To save trails on a list tap on any "Save to a List" bookmark button at the top-right of a trail map or at the top of a trail preview card:

A window will pop with your lists. Click on an existing trail list:

  • From the trail: tap on the "Save to a List" bookmark and unclick the bookmark of the list you want to remove it from.
  • From "your lists": Access the list from which you want to remove the trail and un-click the "Save to a List" button.

Create a trail list 

(Wikiloc Premium required)

  • To create a trail list on your profile, go to your profile, click on the "Your lists" tab, and click on the "+ New List" button at the bottom of the two permanent lists.

  • Enter a name for your list. If you want to keep it private, check the box "Private" (private lists will only be visible to you and cannot be shared).
  • Click on the "Create" button to save the list.

Please note that even if you mark a list as private, the trails within the list remain visible; only the list name is private. Trails marked as private cannot be added to other lists, but only appear in the general list 'Your Routes' and are not visible to other users.

Edit / Delete a trail list

To edit a trail list from your profile, go to your profile, "Your lists", click on the list, and then on the "Edit List" button:

  • List Name
  • Privacy

To delete the trail list, click on the trash button.

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