Comment on the trails

Wikiloc recommends leaving comments on the trails you have completed, as this helps other users gain useful information and assess their difficulty. Additionally, you can respond to comments from other users. This social interaction on the trail enriches the information and creates community.

What should you know about comments?

  • Maintain a respectful tone: Wikiloc does not tolerate offensive behaviour. You can read more about Wikiloc's Principles & Good Practices in this article.
  • Editing and deleting comments: Comments cannot be edited, but they can be deleted. Only the author of the comment can delete their own comments. To do this, access the trail, click on Comment, and on the trail's comment page, your comments will have a trash icon (in the app) or a Delete button (on the web). Clicking on this icon or button will delete the comment.
  • Recovery of deleted comments: Once a comment is deleted, it is not possible to recover it.
  • Viewing comments: Unlike reviews, there is no direct link to view the comments you have made on other users' routes.
  • Comments on photos: Currently, it is not possible to comment on individual photos. You can add comments to the general section of the trail.
  • Special characters: The system does not recognize some symbols, such as %, which may prevent the comment from being saved correctly.

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