Edit Your Profile and Profile Picture

You can update your personal information or change your profile picture by following these steps: From the web

  1. Log in to your Wikiloc account.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select Settings.

This will take you to your personal information page, where you can:

  • Change your username or the linked email address.
  • Write a description about yourself, which will appear under your profile picture.
  • Upload a new profile picture or change the existing one.
  • Indicate your activities of interest.
  • Change the units of measurement used.
  • Enable or disable private messages.
  • Manage your notification preferences and select the preferred language for emails.
  • Manage your GPS devices and your login options.

From the app

  1. Log in to your Wikiloc account.
  2. Go to the Profile tab.
  3. Click the Edit button in the top right corner.

This will take you to your personal information page, where you can:

  • Write a description about yourself, which will appear under your profile picture.
  • Upload a new profile picture or change the existing one.

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