What is Wikiloc's TrailRank?
The TrailRank is a quality indicator of the trail
Its value ranges from 0 to 50, and it can increase to 100 if the trail is well-rated by the community.
Wikiloc does not reveal the exact formula of the calculation, but some aspects can help you raise your TrailRank:
- Write detailed descriptions of your trails.
- Add good landscape photos from your trails.
- Add good landscape pictures to your trails' Waypoints.
- Have good GPS tracks with a good coordinate density.
- Have trails marked as favourites by other users.
- Have trails with positive ratings from other users.
If your trails are high-quality and interesting, share them through social networks. You will see the reaction and how it raises your TrailRank!
The TrailRank makes you more visible on Wikiloc!
While searching for trails for the next outdoor excursion through the world map or through the search bar, we always appreciate seeing the best trails first.
For this reason, at Wikiloc, the best trails appear:
- At the top of the search listings: The best trails appear from the most to least relevant.
- Once the search map opens up: The best trails appear at higher zoom levels.
The rest of the trails will also appear as the list advances or by approaching a specific area by zooming in on a specific area.