The App won't pause while recording at rest
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Are you recording a long route and the App doesn’t detect when you are resting?
Wikiloc's app separates total time from the actual moving time for the trail.
These two parameters will prevent you from having to take any action during your well-deserved rest. In turn, this will also help the rest of the community know how much time is needed to carry out their route.
Moving time is a reliable value. However, it is calculated in deferred time. Do not worry if you think the App is not calculating. The App won't start counting until you have been in motion for a while. Likewise, when stopping, it will also take a moment for the App to stop counting the time in movement. It all works itself out in the end.
Then, what is the "pause" button for?
The "pause" button can be handy when you do not want to register certain positions (technical stop, geocaching practice, etc.).