Upload a trail from your Polar to Wikiloc (Polar Flow)

Do you want to know how to upload a trail from your Polar™ device to Wikiloc?

In order to upload a route from the GPS to your Wikiloc account for most Polar™ devices, you need to export the track from the  Polar Flow™ website to your computer and then upload it to the Wikiloc website.
  1. Once you have recorded the track with your device, it will be registered in your Polar Flow™ account.
  2. Export the file in a .gpx format from Polar Flow™ to your computer:
    1. Choose one of your trails (training sessions) in the "Diary" tab, "Training history"
    2. Adjust the "time period"
    3. Click on the training session
    4. At the bottom left of the route tab click on "Export Session"
    5. Select "Route (GPX)". The file will be stored on your computer.
  3. Connect to the Wikiloc Web and log in with your user.
  4. In your profile, click on "Upload Trails" at the top of the screen.
  5. Choose the "Upload file" option with the description "Select the file containing the GPS tracks and waypoints to upload."
  6. Choose the .gpx file saved on your computer.
  7. Make sure the route and the Waypoints are well-selected. Click on "Continue".
  8. Fill in the fields: Name, description, activity, technical difficulty, privacy, photos, and videos. Click on "Continue".
  9. You can now choose to "Add trail buddies" and "share in social networks".

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